Drunk on Porpoise
A wildlife podcast set on not taking itself too seriously. I get a bit too drunk, and a bit too passionate about my favourite subject: wildlife and the environment.
51 episodes
Zombie Fungi
All aboard the hype train! This week, Katya and Josh unpack The Last of Us, and step into the world of fungi, its uses, the zombie-kind, and Pedro Pascal.

Cashing In On Nature
Josh and Katya chat about the monetisation of nature, how it's beneficial and how it is NOT.

The Last Polar Bear
"You have to stay positive, or else no one is going to listen to you".A wonderfully insightful chat with debut author, Dana Rodney, as she sits down with us to chat about her new novel, "The Last Polar Bear".
Season 46

Is Your Dog Left or Right Paw'd?
Right handed? Left pawed? Ambidextrous fins? Exploring the hemispheres of the brain in animals and what it means for their dominant appendage.

Survival Mechanisms
This week Josh and Katya look at survival mechanisms - the weird and the wonderful - and why we have them.

Loose Ends 2.0
Josh and Katya tie up loose ends from 2021 ... and 2020 ... and leave the episode with more questions than answers. Katya mispronounces "heron", and we discuss the worst snacks to eat while podcasting. It was fun!
Season 4
Episode 5

Eternal Life
This episode we dive into what it means for life to be eternal, how the search for immortality alienates us from the natural world, and lobsters.
Season 4
Episode 4

Eco-Friendly ... Sex!?
Lambskin Condoms. Solar Powered Vibrators. Marrying the Earth. What more could you ask for in a podcast episode?!
Season 4
Episode 3

A Sit Down With Frank Forencich
My oh my, a bit hard to summarise this episode! Katya sat down with Frank to discuss all things the human body, and it's relationship with nature and the environment. Movement, evolution, environmentalism as healthcare ... and so, so much more....
Season 4
Episode 1

Invasive Species!
Invasive species. What are they? Why are they invasive? Are they always bad? Join us as we discuss.
Season 4
Episode 3

A "Bright Green Future" With Trevor Cohen
"As climate change shifts our planet towards an uncertain future, a movement of unlikely heroes are building a blueprint for a better world. It’s a world where clean power grows wealth for local communities, resources regenerate themselves, cit...
Season 4
Episode 2

Carbon Choices: Sit Down With Neil Kitching
WE'RE BACK! This week we sit down with author, Neil Kitching, and talk about his book, Carbon Choices. "This book will help businesses and consumers to influence governments to set the right regulatory framework; to encourage busin...

THE MEG: How Cinema Influences Conservation
WELCOME BACK! This week we're looking at how cinema influences our understanding of conservation issues and wildlife. Is it good? Bad? Do filmmakers have a responsibility to remain factual when creating entertainment?
Season 3
Episode 5

Comics & Conservation: A Sit Down With Alan J Hesse
This week Katya sits down with conservationist and story creator, Alan J Hesse. Alan identified his love for animals at a young age, but it wasn't until later that he combined his love for sketching cartoons and conservation into publication of...
Season 4
Episode 3

An Apple A Day: Animals, Illness & Self Medicating
Last episode we focused on how animals and nature affect our physical and mental wellbeing. This week, we're focusing on on how animals prevent illness (SOCIAL DISTANCING!) and infection in themselves, how they self medicate when they do get si...
Season 3
Episode 5

The Wellbeing Episode: Animals, Nature & Your Health
Hello, and welcome back! This episode dissects trauma, mental and physical health, and how nature and animals can be beneficial to your overall wellbeing. Eco-therapy, animal therapy, hydrotherapy and good old fashioned walking!
Season 3
Episode 4

Interview With Wildlife Biologist, Stephanie Schuttler!
This week we're back with an interview episode! Dr. Stephanie Schuttler joins us to talk about her research on forest elephants, conservation, her love for all animals, and what it means to be a wildlife biologist and what to expect. <...
Season 3
Episode 3

The Birds & The Bees: Sex & Love In The Animal Kingdom (Part 2)
The gang is back and better than ever! This week we continue on our Valentine's Day theme. Josh has Tom and Katya guess the animal based on the description of their sexual organ, PLUS: the anthropomorphism debate, and sex for pleasure in ...
Season 3
Episode 2

The Birds & The Bees: Sex & Love In The Animal Kingdom
Happy Valentine's! In this week's episode, Josh and Katya are joined again by Tom! The gang tries to answer the big questions: what is love? Can animals feel love and other emotions, and feel like humans do? Plus: the weirdest mati...
Season 3
Episode 1

Monotremes: A Zoologist's Nightmare
Monotremes are egg-laying mammals ... yup, you heard that right. They have many features that qualifies them as mammals ... but they also don't. They're a Zoologist's nightmare, which is why it's a perfect week to bring our Zoologist and friend...
Season 2
Episode 30

Home Sweet Home: Animals & Shelters
Our first episode of 2021! This episode began as a dive into animals using other animals as shelter, but quickly expands and deviates into a discussion on animal co-habitation, the importance of shelter, and why setts are called setts.
Season 2
Episode 18